Tracker Mask Tests

10:52 PM · Jul 2, 2020 Face coverings are getting wider implementation, several states have now mandated the use. But are all masks equal? Here we look at some of the popular face masks in use to see preliminary how well they work. Starting with a bandanna and working up to medical grade respirators, each mask is shown with a breath after inhaling from a vape pen, and also an attempt to blow out a candle, to show airflow a little better. We must consider how masks work in two different modes - Protecting the wearer - Protecting others from the wearer This loose test focuses on the second mode, showing generally how the the differences in masks impacts airflow of the wearer in the spread of droplets. While this demonstration is not well controlled, the differences between the 8 various coverings were significant enough to note. Important takeaways - One-way valves/ vents bypass the mask, dramatically reducing performance at protecting others from the wearer. - Generally: N95 > Surgical masks, well fitting cloth coverings > loose bandanna. - Loose bandannas alone perform poorly. - N95 rated masks work very well at constraining airflow - Easily best performer. - All coverings were better than nothing, but stark differences between masks. - WEAR a mask. In a controlled experiment, Florida Atlantic University preformed similar (but much better) tests with various masks, and a control without masks. "Importantly, uncovered emulated coughs were able to travel noticeably farther than the currently recommended 6-foot distancing guideline. Without a mask, droplets traveled more than 8 feet; with a bandana, they traveled 3 feet, 7 inches; with a folded cotton handkerchief, they traveled 1 foot, 3 inches; with the stitched quilting cotton mask, they traveled 2.5 inches; and with the cone-style mask, droplets traveled about 8 inches." ~ GISELE GALOUSTIAN Their research can be found at: