Gov Ige Issues Statewide Mask Mandate, Details

8:47 PM · Nov 17, 2020

In a move meant to clarify and synchronize regulations for face coverings across the state of Hawaii, Gov Ige has issued a statewide mandate. Up until this order, rules regarding masks have been left to the counties, which created an inconsistent landscape for residents and visitors alike. Gov Ige's 15th Emergency Proclamation (Press Release): "Gov. David Ige issued a 15th COVID-19 emergency proclamation that extends and clarifies the statewide mask mandate as agreed to by all four counties and the state. The proclamation states: All persons in the State shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when in public. The requirements of this statewide mask mandate are set forth in Exhibit J, which will be enforced in each county. All persons shall comply with applicable safety, hygiene and physical distancing guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as with State, county, industry and regulatory practices for safety, hygiene and physical distancing, including standards and requirements adopted and issued by Hawaii Department of Health (DOH). The proclamation also specifies that “An owner or operator of any business or operation shall refuse admission or service to any individual who fails to wear a face covering, unless an exception applies under this section.” Those that do not may be subject to enforcement, including fines and mandatory closure. A face covering mandate has been in place in Hawaiʻi since April 25 when Gov. Ige signed the Sixth Emergency Proclamation. In addition, as the state’s visitor arrivals increase as a result of the pre-travel testing program, the 15th proclamation now requires all hotel operators in the state to adopt a COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan for each property. The plan must address guidance from the CDC, identify measures enacted in response to COVID-19 and what guests/employees may expect in terms of service, accommodations and safety protocols. The proclamation also makes clear that it is the responsibility of the hotel operator to accommodate guests (on or off site) who become COVID-19 positive or have been identified as a close contact of someone who is positive for COVID-19. Hotel operators are required to submit their plan to the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority and publish it on their website. The 15th Covid-19 emergency proclamation also extends the moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent until this proclamation expires on Dec. 31, 2020. The 15th COVID-19 emergency proclamation can be found here." State's Face Covering Regulations: All individuals shall wear face coverings over their noses and mouths when in public settings. The only exceptions to this requirement are: A. Individuals with medical conditions or disabilities where the wearing of a face covering may pose a health or safety risk to the individual; B. Children under the age of 5; C. While working at a desk or work station and not actively engaged with other employees, customers, or visitors, provided that the individual’s desk or workstation is not located in a common or shared area and physical distancing of at least six (6) feet is maintained; D. While eating, drinking, smoking, as permitted by applicable law; E. Inside private automobiles, provided the only occupants are members of the same household/living unit/residence; F. While receiving services allowed under a State or county order, rule, or proclamation that require access to that individual’s nose or mouth; G. Where federal or state safety or health regulations, or a financial institution’s policy (based on security concerns), prohibit the wearing of facial coverings; H. Individuals who are communicating with the hearing impaired while actively communicating (e.g., signing or lip reading); I. First responders (police, fire fighters, lifeguards, etc.) to the extent that wearing face coverings may impair or impede the safety of the first responder in the performance of his/her duty; J. While outdoors when physical distance of six (6) feet from other individuals (who are not members of the same household/living unit/residence) can be maintained at all times; and K. As specifically allowed by a provision of a State or county COVID-19 related order, rule, or proclamation. More info