The Hawaiian Hotspot (Part 2: Imagery of the Hotspot) - Stream Highlight
4:30 AM · Mar 13, 2021In part 2 this multipart series geologist Philip Ong takes you through an easy to understand explanation of the volcanic hotspot that formed the Hawaiian Islands - this episode focuses on imaging of the what we think the Hawaiian Hotspot looks like. We will be releasing additional segments over the course of the week, for those that want to see the full presentation the link is timestamped for you
Now you really spoiled my fantasy of the Earth being hollow and filled with some kind of advanced civilization.
Mar 13, 2021
Mar 14, 2021
I found this a lot easier to understand the second time I watched this. But I still don't quite get how they figure out how many times the waves have been reflected or refracted. There could be earthquakes close together in time in completely different areas and I don't quite see how they could figure out which signal is from which - I guess that goes in the same direction as figuring out gravitational events or doing very long baseline interferometry in astronomy (which amounts to signal matching, basically).
Mar 13, 2021
Here's a great video of the interior incase you havent seen it
Mar 14, 2021
Good find, solid visualization
Mar 14, 2021